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PAR’s PA Realtor Day on the Hill

PAR’s PA Realtor Day on the Hill


REALTORS Day On The Hill, Advocacy


Advocating for Homeownership: My Experience at PAR’s PA Realtor® Day on the Hill

On a bright, bustling day in Harrisburg, I joined fellow Realtors® for the annual PA Realtor® Day on the Hill, organized by the Pennsylvania Association of Realtors® (PAR). The event was a significant opportunity for us to advocate for critical homeownership issues directly with lawmakers. This year, our focus was on SB 1173, a bill poised to bring essential reforms to the real estate sector. Our primary goal was to emphasize the necessity of passing this legislation to enhance the homeownership experience in Pennsylvania.

SB 1173 promises to standardize residential property transfers, ensuring a more seamless process for both buyers and sellers. The bill aims to increase transparency in residential wholesale transactions, which is crucial for maintaining trust and fairness in the market. Additionally, it seeks to establish accountability for wholesalers, ensuring they operate under clear guidelines. By setting these standards, SB 1173 will protect consumers and uphold the integrity of the real estate industry.

A significant provision of SB 1173 is the requirement for individuals engaging in wholesale transactions to obtain a real estate salesperson license. This measure will professionalize the wholesale market and ensure that those participating are well-versed in real estate regulations and ethics. It is a critical step towards protecting consumers and maintaining high standards within the industry. Our discussions with lawmakers highlighted the urgent need for this reform to safeguard homebuyers and sellers alike.



In addition to SB 1173, we brought attention to the Municipal Code and Ordinance Compliance Act, HB 1567. This bill addresses the rights of tenants currently residing in properties, allowing them to remain in their homes if the properties are deemed safe and habitable by a municipal code enforcement officer. This provision is vital for protecting tenants from abrupt displacement and ensuring their safety. Our advocacy for HB 1567 underscored the importance of tenant rights and property standards in Pennsylvania.

Another key piece of legislation we discussed was HB 1387, which seeks to exempt first-time homebuyers from paying the Real Estate Transfer Tax. This exemption would provide significant financial relief to new homebuyers, making homeownership more accessible and affordable. The bill aims to encourage more people to invest in their first homes, stimulating the housing market and fostering community growth. Our discussions with lawmakers emphasized the positive impact this bill could have on aspiring homeowners and the broader real estate market.

Overall, attending the PA Realtor® Day on the Hill was a productive and inspiring experience. Our collective efforts to advocate for SB 1173, HB 1567, and HB 1387 highlighted our commitment to improving the real estate landscape in Pennsylvania. By engaging directly with lawmakers, we ensured that the voices of Realtors® and homeowners were heard. The day underscored the importance of continued advocacy and collaboration to achieve meaningful legislative progress for homeownership issues.


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